22 May 2008

ATM Open Triathlon

Robika told me the team stood 7th place in Tioman Eco Challenge. She did apologize for her difficulties fighting PMS during the events. Too bad, she was the main culprit as she was unable to run and bike; she did collapse few times! She told me she did took what do you call that pills to stop the bleeding but unfortunately, her body was unable to cope with it. Pity her! Actually she just arrive from paying her last respect to her late mother-in-law in Sarawak and she just too weak and fatique. Nevermindlah, we manage to fight till the end.... kalo Bika tak PMS mesti bole dapat top 3. Actually they did very good in Kayaking but due to some misunderstanding they just manage to secure 4th place.

Meanwhile, ATM will organize ATM Open Triathlon in early July. I'll be the team manager for my team. The event will be held at A Farmosa and no RB or Tri Bike allowed! It is only for MTB as to allow more participants.

errr... gua skarang dah pindah keja kat KL. Too bz lately with new assignment. It's been a while my BLUE BELACAK kept dusty in the box. Bila la nak kayuh lagi ni?


zulhassan said...
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zulhassan said...

aduhhh Julai banyak event lah bro. Naper tak buat bulan 6 , kosang je tak ada apa2.

Rugi kalau berlaga dengan event lain.

MTB kalau tayar slick boleh tak? Atau race tu memang nak dibuat off road baru best giler macam triathlon Alcaltraz.

Belacak said...


Sy bukan organizer.. cuma jadi committee je.

Slick tayar dibenarkan...

zulhassan said...

ok... kalau tarikh kompon bagi tahu... maner tahu kalau free leh gak join :D

Jaja Shah said...

robika ni salah satu my favourite atlit dan sumber inspirasi, memang power walaupun kecik saja orang nya. 'kecil2 cili api'

moga cepat sembuh dan Al-Fatihah di atas kehilangan